On March 28-29, 2023, in the Vinnytsia city (Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University) the conference “VII International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “actual PROBLEMS OF THE CREATIVE PERSONALITY TEACHER FORMATION IN THE CONTEXT OF succession PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY School EDUCATION”” was held in an online format on the Zoom platform. The event was organized in cooperation with the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, together with the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, the European Education  and  Culture  Executive Agency (EASEA), the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in close cooperation by the State Scientific  Institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization” (IECM), the Institute of Gifted Child of the National Academy of Educationaal Sciences of Ukraine, Humanitas Higher School (Sosnowiec, Poland Republic), Pedagogium. Higher School of Social Sciences in Warsaw (Poland Republic), the University of Zelena Hura (Zelena Hura, Republic of Poland), Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Rezekne, Latvia), Trakai Center of Enlightenment Public Institute (Lithuania), Folkuniversitetet (Sweden), the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, National University ‘Chernihiv Collegium’ named after T. G. Shevchenko, State Higher Education Institution “Donbas State Pedagogical University”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Ukrainian Institute of Education Development, the Preschool and Primary Education Department , Ukrainian Educational Research Association, the Public Organization International Association of Modern Education, Science and culture”,  the Public Organization “Academy of Personality Development”,  the Public Organization “LogoClub”.The event was attended by more than 700 participants (scientists: professors, associate professors, candidates of sciences, school teachers, preschool teachers, students) from various cities of Ukraine and Europe: Vinnytsia, Lviv, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Uman, Khmelnytskyi, Chernihiv, Glukhiv, Rivne, Sumy, Zhytomyr, Mukacheve, Kryvyi Rih, Lutsk, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Sosnovets, Rezenkne, Zelena Hura, Warsaw, Gdansk, Graz, Copenhagen.In welcome speech, NATALIA LAZARENKO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education and Science of Ukraine, Rector of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University paid attention to the importance of cooperation with Erasmus+ and the implementation projects of European importance. ALLA KOLOMIIETS, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector of Scientific Work of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, noted that Erasmus+ projects unite Ukrainian scientists, expand the horizons of opportunities and speed up the processes of European integration. PETRO KRAINIK, manager of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine, emphasized the importance of active cooperation between higher education institutions of Ukraine and the European Union.During the event, a master class “FOREST KINDERGARTEN: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE AND UKRAINIAN CONTEXT” was held within the framework of the Jean Monnet module project “Preschool education in a green environment: the synergy of European practices and Ukrainian traditions” (Project: 101085248 — PEGEU — ERASMUS- JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH). Speakers: NATALIA PAKHALCHUK, associate professor of the Department of Preschool Education; KATERYNA KOLESNIK, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), senior lecturer of the Department of Preschool Education; INNA KARUK, assistant of the Department of Preschool Education.The speakers focused on improving the competence of teachers in organizing work with preschool children in a green environment of the best experience of Europe and Ukrainian traditions; dissemination of methodical European integration forms, methods and techniques, European approaches to working with children in natural conditions; popularization of the ideas of nature-based education and upbringing.Video recording of the event.At the end of the event, the participants got acquainted with the features of creating a favorable green environment for preschool children in the countries of the European Union and received comprehensive consultations on the issues of finding and implementing the best pedagogical experience of European colleagues regarding the organization of children’s activities in forest kindergartens.As a result of the attended event, the participants (list Learning Outcomes): learned to navigate the ways of creating a favorable green environment for preschool children; acquired the ability to search for European experience in the organization of a green environment in various types of preschool education institutions, in particular in forest kindergartens; acquired the ability to introduce the European experience of organizing productive activities in a green environment into the educational process of children.A round table was also organized: “EUROPEAN PEDAGOGICAL CONCEPTS AND UKRAINIAN EXPERIENCE OF USING THEATER ACTIVITIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN’S SOFT SKILLS: THEORY, PRACTICE, PERSPECTIVES” within the project “EU experience of soft skills development of preschool and primary school age children by theater activities in teacher training” (620252-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). During the round table, five lines of speeches were organized, the speakers of which were:NATALIA KAZMIRCHUK, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, member of the project group of Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky State University of Applied Sciences; IRYNA BARANOVSKA, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, member of the project group. Report: “Experience of implementation of the EU ERASMUS + JEAN MONNET MODULE project in educational programs and components of training of future primary school teachers”.NATALIA TRACHUK, screenwriter, social teacher, leader of the “Chervona Kalina” club, Vinnytsia Lyceum №7; ANASTASIA DZYUBENKO, director, teacher-organizer, head of the “Charm” group, Vinnytsia Lyceum №7. Report: “When the city came to life” – a model of the success of the performance-confession”.MARIA STARCHIKOVA, music director, author of the book “Scenarios of Musical Holidays and Entertainment”, co-author of the series “My Synopsis”, “Music Education in Kindergarten”, speaker of International Conferences, author of modern interactive puppet shows, administrator of the Interactive Puppet Shows group. Report: “Author’s interactive scenarios in the modern dimension”.INNA KARVATSKA, primary school teacher, Methodist teacher of the highest category of the Vinnytsia Lyceum №2, organizer of theatrical celebrations in primary school. Report: “How to make the theater a friend of every child”.VADIM PODOROZNYY, Doctor of Philosophy, senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Social Work. Report: “Peculiarities of the work of the theater faculty of the third generation university”.OLENA IVASHKIV and KRISTINA IVASHCHUK, students of the separate structural unit “Vinnytsia Trade and Economic College of the State Trade and Economic University:. Master class: “Art is within us”.

At the end of the event, the participants got acquainted with the scenarios of creative activities of European colleagues and received comprehensive consultations on the implementation of the European experience in developing students’ soft skills.

As a result of the attended event, the participants expanded their ideas about the peculiarities of the development of soft skills of students, identified the peculiarities of using theatrical activities in working with schoolchildren, got acquainted with the European experience of developing flexible skills of students in the process of using theatrical activities, formed the ability to search for and introduce European experience into the educational process organization of theatrical activities for the formation of flexible skills of younger schoolchildren.

In addition, based on the materials of the conference, it is planned to publish a collection of scientific works, which will present the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, young researchers and students in the following areas:

  • Theater art as a means of developing children’s soft skills in context experience of EU countries and Ukraine (within the project “EU experience of soft skills development of preschool and primary school age children by theater activities in teacher training” 620252-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE);
  • Creation of an open green environment and outdoor activities for children: European dimension and Ukrainian traditions (within the project “Preschool education in a green environment: the synergy of European practices and Ukrainian traditions”. Project: 101085248 — PEGEU — ERASMUS-JMO- 2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH);
  • Preparation of future teachers for ecological education of the younger generation (as part of the project “Ecological education of preschool and primary school children: a European approach”. Project: 101085524 — EcoEdEU — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH);
  • Social integration of children with special needs in an environment of diversity and inclusion: European approaches (within the project “Social integration of children with special needs in an environment of diversity and inclusion: European approaches”. Project: 101085267 — SEEDUE4UA — ERASMUS-JMO-2022 -HEI-TCH-RSCH).

Video materials of the conference and all events will be offered for discussion on the YouTube page of the Department of Preschool Education.

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